Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mandy's Zucchini Bread

I am sure everyone has their own version of Zucchini bread to utilize the giant zucchini's from yours or your neighbors harvest, but Mandy brought me a loaf of this wonderful bread and it was so good I had to get her recipe. I haven't made it myself yet, but I have eaten it.

P.S. Thanks to Erin, I didn't make 15 loaves of Zucchini bread with ONE giant zucchini - instead I shreded it, measured it out and froze it in ziploc baggies and now have enough zucchini ready to go for 2 loaves a month all winter - I haven't even used my zucchini's yet! Brilliant!

2 2/3 cups sugar
2/3 cups shortening
3 cups zucchini (I usually add 1 - 1 1/2 cups extra zucchini)
2/3 cups water
4 eggs
3 1/2 cups white flour
2 teas. baking soda
1 1/2 teas. salt
1 teas. ground cinnamon ( usually add a little more of this)
1 teas. ground cloves ( add a little more than this, not alot though)
2 teas. vanilla
1/2 teas. baking powder
2/3 cup chopped nuts (optional)
2/3 cup raisins (optional)

Heat oven 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients and pour into loaf pans.

If using small loaf pans bake about 40-50 minutes.
If using regular bread pans bake 60-70 minutes.


Hillary said...

Thanks for posting a zucchini bread recipe! I've lost my favorite one, and I can't remember how to make it at all.

Erin said...

One thing: when measuring and grating your zucchini for freezing, include about half the amount extra. When thawing, it is very watery, and having the extra amount in there equals the regular amt. Does this make sense?